The County of Maui Office of Recovery and Department of Planning will hold a neighborhood workshop for Kelawea Mauka residents from 3 to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, at the Lahainaluna High School Cafeteria, 980 Lahainaluna Road.
The workshop is part of community engagement for the long-term recovery plan for Lahaina. The purpose of community engagement is to collaborate with community members on their vision for recovery, which will lead to a long-term recovery plan of projects to address damages sustained from the fire. The recovery plan will include plans, projects and funding, and will guide recovery in a sustainable and resilient manner.
Doors open at 2:30 p.m. Food and children’s activities will be provided. Due to limited parking, carpooling is recommended.
The Kelawea Mauka neighborhood is the general area mauka of Honoapiʻilani Highway below the Lahaina Bypass and between Dickenson Street/Lahainaluna Road and Kahoma Stream.
The workshop is an opportunity for county staff to talk with Kelawea Mauka residents about topics specific to the area. The workshop will help ensure that residents are aware of options for their neighborhood and that the County is aware of community preferences and incorporates them into the recovery plan.
The next neighborhood workshop is scheduled for the Wahikuli neighborhood on May 4, and more meetings are tentatively slated for June 2024.
Events will be posted at
For questions, email or call the Department of Planning Long Range Division at (808) 270-7214.