Updated daily. Submit resources here.
Our hearts go out to the many families and businesses who have impacted by the Maui wildfires. On this page, we aim to provide information, resources, and support to help those in need during these challenging times. Together, let's stand strong and extend a helping hand to our fellow community members on the path to recovery and resilience.
The hubs will provide access to relief application assistance, legal aid, document replacements, mental & physical health support, workforce training, financial support may be available, and more.
To be assisted with long term case management and to get referrals to services and resources from the Hawai‘i Department of Human Services' (DHS) Disaster Case Management Program (DCMP), survivors of the Maui wildfires should call '211' or email DHSDCMP@dhs.hawaii.gov to access the waitlist.
The DCMP program will offer services to all survivors who are impacted by the Maui wildfires, regardless of their FEMA eligibility or application status. The DHS is rapidly scaling the DCMP and has instituted a waitlist triage and care navigation system to connect with survivors, determine eligibility for the program, and onboard them as quickly as possible.
To join the disaster case management program:
1. Call ‘211’ and press '4'. Ask for an interpreter, if you need it.
2. OR email DHSDCMP@dhs.hawaii.gov.
3. Give your information, and you're signed up.
A survivor should contact 211 to begin the process and request follow up from a DCMP team member to conduct an intake discussion. Next, a triage intake specialist will reach out to the survivor to determine eligibility and add them to the DCMP waitlist. A triage outreach and care navigation specialist will then serve as a guide to the survivor, answering questions, navigating resources, and providing updates, during the time the survivors are on the waitlist.