WHAT: County of Maui Disaster Area Restrictions have been LIFTED for BUSINESS ZONE 5A. Zones have been created to facilitate a systematic and organized return into the disaster area while prioritizing public safety and the security of the community.
WHEN: TODAY 9/27/23
WHERE: The following ZONE in the county disaster area has LIFTED restrictions:
ACCESS: Access via Lahaina Cannery Mall only
UTILITIES: County of Maui Water Department unsafe water advisory remains in effect. For water advisory, visit www.mauicounty.gov.
ADJACENT MARITIME SAFETY ZONE: At the request of the County of Maui, the U.S. Coast Guard safety zone remains in place.
SAFETY: Once a fire has burned through an area, many dangers may remain. It’s important to be aware of the hazards and know what to look for when re-entering. For full state Department of Health and Environmental Protection Agency health and safety details, visit www.mauirecovers.org.
DISASTER AREA: Please heed any safety barriers and government personnel within re-opened zones. For a map of lifted zone restrictions and remaining zone restrictions, visit www.mauirecovers.org.
Entry into the Lahaina Wildfire Disaster area remains prohibited unless authorized by law, due to health and safety risks and to protect against criminal property damage. The Lahaina disaster area, which holds hazardous debris, includes the area delineated by government-placed barriers, according to Mayor Richard Bissen’s Third Emergency Proclamation Relating to Wildfires effective Aug. 15.
DETAILS: For details on re-entry to impacted areas; safety information for returning to your property; drinking water and wastewater; maps and data; fire debris removal; recovery phases; financial and housing assistance; and business support, visit www.mauirecovers.org