October 13, 2023

County of Maui Disaster Area ZONE ANNOUNCEMENT: Zone 6A/Mala Wharf

WHAT:    County of Maui Disaster Area Restrictions will be lifted for MalaWharf and businesses in Zone 6A. Zones have been created to facilitate asystematic and supported return into the disaster area while prioritizingpublic safety and community security.


WHEN:    6 a.m. SATURDAY, 10/14


WHERE:  Restrictions will be LIFTED for the following:ZONE 6A – MalaWharf and Front St.

ACCESS: From HonoapiilaniHwy, turn left onto Kapunakea St., turn left onto Front St. then turn makaionto Mala Wharf Rd.


UTILITIES: County water (non-potable) and wastewater utilities areavailable.


ADJACENT MARITIME SAFETY ZONES: Restrictionswill be lifted by the U.S. Coast Guard for water adjacent to ZONES 5A and6A.  U.S. Coast Guard restrictions arestill active and adjusting to zone openings for the most updated information,visit Pages - My Homeport Content (uscg.mil).


SAFETY: Once a fire has burned through an area, manydangers may remain. It’s important to be aware of the hazards and to knowwhat to look for when re-entering. For full safety details, visit www.mauirecovers.org. For air quality information, visit https://health.hawaii.gov/mauiwildfires/.For the County Unsafe Water Advisory, visit https://www.mauicounty.gov.


DETAILS: For details on re-entry to impacted areas; safety information forreturning to your property; drinking water and wastewater; maps and data; fire debrisremoval; recovery phases; financial and housing assistance; and businesssupport, visit www.mauirecovers.org.




Commercial permittees are being informed byletter of commercial vessel operations opening on Monday, Oct. 16. The following rules apply untilfurther notice and only for current Mala Wharf permit holders.


·    Existing Mala Wharf commercialpermittees in good standing may access the Mala ramp on weekdays only. It isclosed to commercial activity on weekends and all holidays.

·    Commercial operators will be required toshuttle their passengers to the facility in order to reduce vehicle traffic inthe surrounding area and minimize visitors traveling through fire-impactedareas.

·    All permitted shoreline commercialactivities will be prohibited due to water quality concerns.

·    Shoreline commercial permittees will benotified when their operations can resume.


Any Mala Wharf commercial permit holderwho violates any of the conditions could face revocation of their permit. Moreinformation regarding the opening of Mala Wharf can be found here: Department of Land and Natural Resources | 10/12/23-MAUI’SMÃLA WHARF TO REOPEN EARLIER THAN ANTICIPATED (hawaii.gov)