
Donate to support local drivers move supplies, evacuees, volunteers, and keiki on the West side


In the face of adversity, the resilience and unity of the Maui community have never been more crucial. We believe in the power of coming together – both in offering assistance and seeking it. Our combined efforts and shared aloha spirit will be the driving force that helps Maui rebound from these challenging times. Let’s stand united, ensuring that every individual finds the support they need and every helper finds a meaningful way to contribute.

In the wake of the Maui wildfire’s impact on the Lahaina community, Hawaii Tours responded with profound care for our Maui Ohana. Swiftly recognizing the urgency, we orchestrated a compassionate initiative to deliver essential food and beverage supplies to those directly affected by the disaster. This act of support transcended immediate relief, serving as a testament to our enduring commitment to the well-being and recovery of our Maui Ohana. Through this endeavor, we aimed to offer both solace and practical assistance during these trying times, reinforcing our deep-rooted bond with our fellow residents as they navigate the challenges arising from the wildfire’s aftermath. Our unwavering dedication to Maui fuels our determination to stand together and provide strength in times of adversity.

There is still a great need to continue delivering supplies, moving evacuees to shelters & medical appointments, and aid workers to recovery sites. Volunteers from within our community can only continue it for so long until they have to start paying the costs of their giving. We need to keep our community on the island working and we need to give evacuees hope for the future by hiring them to continue helping their own communities.

Please donate to our Go Fund Me page, so we can continue our good works and keep our employees and future ones working as we provide support transfer for Maui residents impacted by the fire and ground support for the movement of supplies and goods so it gets to those in need and transfer support for the Red Cross, FEMA, Maui Rapid Response Teams and so many others.

Click here to donate to Hawaii Tours' transportation aid efforts

Hawaii Tours Maui Relief Coordinator

You can reach our on-island relief coordinator – Chris Ishizaka at:

  • Email:
  • Please text: (808) 500-2018
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