
Get in-person and online grief support services, Zoom drop-ins, and compassion calls for grieving adults and children with Nā Keiki O Emalia


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Nā Keiki O Emalia is offering in-person drop-in grief support services, Zoom drop-ins and compassion calls.  If you are an adult grieving alongside a child or you would like to register grieving children please click on the links below.

Register Adults who are grieving alongside a child or teen. The adult groups provided are specifically tailored to address the needs of any adult who is going through the grieving process alongside a child.

Register for Adults Grieving with a Child or Teen
Register For the Children and Teens
If you are not grieving alongside a child or teen, you can find grief support groups here: Find Adult Grief Support Groups

These groups aim to create a safe and supportive space where parents, guardians, adult siblings, and other relatives can come together to share their experiences, emotions, and challenges related to grief. The focus is on offering guidance, comfort, and understanding as they navigate the complexities of grief while also providing support and resources to help them support the child in their care.

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