
Apply for grants and loans supporting Native Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi-based nonprofits from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Grants Program


OHA Grants Program

The purpose of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Grants Program is to support Hawaiʻi based nonprofit organizations that have projects, programs, and initiatives to serve our Lāhui in alignment with OHA’s Strategic Foundations, Directions & Outcomes. Read more about OHA’s Strategic Plan.

Reminder, to be eligible for OHA Grant funding consideration, an applicant shall:
  • Be registered to do business in the State of Hawaiʻi
  • Provide services to Native Hawaiians and/or Native Hawaiian community(ies) in the State of Hawaiʻi
  • Have an IRS Letter of Determination
  • Be compliant with Hawaiʻi Compliance Express
    • NOTE: Registration with Hawaiʻi Compliance Express may take 3-4 weeks. Please make sure you are registered and all information is up to date. The current CVC (Certificate of Vendor Compliance) from Hawaiʻi Compliance Express is an OHA grant eligibility requirement.

OHA Grants program does not give funds directly to individuals, all funds are distributed through an awarded nonprofit organization.

Organization Capacity Building & Event Grant Types is also COMING SOON! (as of last OHA update: 4/13/2024)

REMINDER: All application activities will be conducted via the OHA Grants Portal.

No hard copies of applications will be made available by OHA or accepted under any circumstances.

The OHA Grants Team is also actively working to better monitor existing grant contracts; serve the awarded grantees toward contract completion; introduce new grant types; and recruit, hire and train additional needed resources.

Kanaaho Grant for Lahaina and Kula

Kanaaho Grant is for eligible Native Hawaiian homeowners and renters in the wildfire impact zones of Lahaina and Kula.

On April 10, 2024, the Office of Hawaii Affairs (OHA) launched the OHA Kanaaho Grant for Lahaina & Kula to provide direct financial assistance to impacted Native Hawaiian homeowners and renters in the wildfire impact zones of Lahaina and Kula. The grant funds will support the empowerment of impacted Native Hawaiians to determine their own greatest needs, to meet those needs in the face of disaster, and improve the economic stability of Native Hawaiians.


The OHA Kanaaho Grants will provide critical support to Native Hawaiian homeowners and renters in the wildfire impact zones of Lahaina and Kula.

  • It is the first disbursement of the $5 million in disaster aid funding that the OHA Board of Trustees approved to support wildfire survivors.
  • A $9,000 grant will be awarded to eligible homeowners who experienced hardship; while a $4,000 grant will be awarded to eligible renters who experienced hardship.

Who can apply for aid?

  • OHA’s Kanaaho Grants will be distributed to qualified head of households that meet the grant application criteria.
  • The applicant must be 1) Native Hawaiian, 2) provide proof of residency,  3) provide proof of homeownership or renter status and 4) a completed W-9 form is also required for payment purposes only. The relief aid will not be taxed. Please download the W-9 from

Wildfire survivors who resided in the wildfire impact zones are advised to collect their documentation so they can submit a complete application on April 10, 2024.

Download the Kanaaho Grant checklist of required documents.

The application period opens on April 10, 2024 and OHA will accept aid applications for a 6 month period.

As we continue along the lengthy recovery process, our hope at OHA is that we support one another, uplift one another, and rebuild together as a community united in aloha.

Need Kōkua?

  • Visit the OHA Maui Office
    • We will have computer stations set up and staff to help upload your documents
    • We will have modified hours to serve kānaka at the OHA Maui Office
      • Wed. – Fri., April 10-12: 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
      • Sat., April 13: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm.
      • Mon. – Thurs., April 15-18: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm.
      • Friday, April 19: Closed for application processing
  • Community Outreach
    • OHA will be at the Disaster Recovery Center at the Lahaina Civic Center
      • 4/15 – 4/16 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
      • 4/17 from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  • OHA Offices Statewide
    • During the initial two week application period from 4/10 to 4/19 our staff will be working at the Maui Office to provide kōkua to our beneficiaries. Only the Molokaʻi and Kona Offices will be available to kōkua with grant application submissions.
    • Starting on April 22, 2024, Beneficiary Services Agents will be available at all OHA Offices statewide to provide kōkua with grant application submissions.

OHA Grants Portal

Click Here to Enter the OHA Grants Portal

The OHA Grants Portal is an online application, monitoring, and reporting system for nonprofit organizations who are an applicant or grantee.

See Video Tutorials below on how to navigate the OHA Grants Portal (Foundant):

Applicant tutorial videos:
Applicant & Grantee tutorial videos:
Application Evaluator tutorial videos:

OHA Grant Application Evaluators

Are you interested in being an OHA Grant Application Evaluator?
Eligibility Requirements
  • Be Native Hawaiian
  • Provide fair and objective mana‘o
  • Have knowledge/experience in the assigned grant type/area
  • Have analytical skills and ability to use the database scoring system
  • Have access to a computer with reliable internet
  • Commit the required amount of time to attend a one hour virtual training orientation, complete approximately 10-20 application evaluations, as well as a 2-6 hour virtual evaluation team convene upon completion of evaluations. (Estimated 10-30 hours depending on number of applications you are assigned to evaluate.)
Anticipated Activities
  • Completion of Conflict of Interest Form – To ensure you have no affiliations with applicants.
  • Completion of Confidentiality Form – To ensure a confidential evaluation process.
  • Virtual Grant Application Evaluator Orientation
  • Online Application Evaluation – All applications will be evaluated via the OHA Grants Portal.
  • Virtual Evaluation Team Convene
  • Honorarium – Once the evaluation process is complete, you have the opportunity to accept an honorarium from OHA.

If you are willing to commit to this process, please e-mail with the following information:

  • First & Last Name;
  • Email;
  • Phone Number; and
  • A short statement on why you are interested in being an OHA Grant Application Evaluator.

Upon receipt of the information above, a Grant Evaluator Information Form will be emailed for completion.

OHA Grants E-mail List

If you would like to receive e-mail updates on OHA Grant Solicitations (nonprofit organizations only) please e-mail with your organization name and e-mail address.

OHA Grantees & Annual Report

Each year OHA shares its list of Grantees in its Annual report.  To view funded projects, click link here to view their Annual Reports.

OHA Loans for Your Growth

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is committed to ensuring Native Hawaiians and their ‘ohana have access to resources to assist them in pursuing their financial goals. Through caring, supportive growth, our lending program can provide Native Hawaiians with an improved sense of economic well-being.

Our Mission:

To enhance access for all persons of Native Hawaiian ancestry to credit, capital, and financial services & skills so as to create jobs, wealth, and economic & social well­-being for all the people of Hawai‘i

Through these programs, Native Hawaiians have expanded businesses, improved homes, continued their educations—and more.

Learn more about what makes the OHA Loan program different than a traditional financial institution.

Disaster Relief Loan Program

OHA’s Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (NHRLF) Board of Directors approved a new disaster relief loan. Native Hawaiians experiencing a loss as a result of the disasters are now eligible for loans of up to $20,000 at four percent interest with up to six months of deferred payments. Loans may be used for home improvement, vehicle repair or replacement, or business stabilization.


OHA Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund Disaster Relief Loan Program

Existing loan borrowers who are affected by a natural disaster are eligible for the following:

  • Deferral of their current loan payments of at least three months, possibly up to six months depending upon their current situation, circumstances and loss.
  • Rate on loan will stay the same
  • Maturity date will be extended to accommodate the deferral period
  • Loss must be verified, and a direct effect to their living environment/situation, or job/business affected by the disaster

Disaster Relief Loan:

Native Hawaiians who are affected by a natural disaster are eligible to apply for the Disaster Relief Loan:

  • Loan amount of up to $20,000
  • Loan rate of four percent
  • Loan term of up to seven years
  • Borrower still needs to qualify for the loan based on the Operational Guidelines
  • We will defer the first three months of payments and possibly up to six months depending upon the situation, circumstances and loss. The loss would have to impact their living environment/situation, and/or job/business affected by the disaster.
  • Loss must be verified. (Examples of verification would be documentation, pictures, etc.).

For information about Disaster Relief Loans, email  or call 594-1835.

Business Loans:

OHA Mālama Business and Hua Kanu loan programs offer low cost loans to existing and start-up businesses. Learn more about business loans.

Mālama Business Loans

Mālama Business Loans are the most popular loans OHA offer that supports Native Hawaiian business owners.

Some uses of the loan:

Establishing or building upon a small business; working capital


$2,500 – $149,999 (Loan amounts over $50,000 require non-real estate collateral)

Rates & Terms
  • 4.00% APR
  • Up to a 7-year term
  • U.S. Citizen
  • State of Hawai‘i Resident
  • Applicant must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Credit score 600 or higher
  • Debt-to-income ratio is no more than 45%
  • Business must be registered with DCCA and in good standing
  • Proof of Hawaiian ancestry: verified by current OHA Hawaiian Registry card
  • Proof of Hawaii residency: driver’s license or state ID
  • 2 years most recent federal tax returns with all schedules
  • 2 years most recent W-2(s) if applicant is working as a wage earner
  • 1 month current consecutive pay stubs if applicant is working as a wage earner
  • Existing business (more than 3 years in business): current YTD profit and loss statement & balance sheet
  • Startup business (less than 3 years in business): current business plan to include 3 year profit & loss forecast statement
  • Document breaking down the use of funds for business working capital
  • If applying for more than $50,000: itemized list of assets to use as collateral (each item valued $5,000+ and can include personal items and business assets such as vehicles, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable, etc.)
  • ALL members of the business must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry and provide the documents listed above
Unallowable Loan Activities
  • Investing in high-interest accounts
  • Certificates of deposit (CODs) or other investments
  • Relending of the loan amount by the borrower
  • Purchasing land or buildings
  • Constructing buildings
  • Purchasing or financing equity in private businesses

Hua Kanu Business Loan

Hua Kanu Business Loan Program is available to Native Hawaiians who own established business. Created on July 17, 2013, the low-cost loans are intended to help these small-businesses expand. It is meant to provide them access to credit and capital that allow them to grow as well as remain financially viable.

Some uses of the loan:
  • Purchase equipment or inventory
  • Working capital

$150,000 – $1,000,000

Rates & Terms
  • Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis
  • OHA refers potential loan applicants to a technical assistance provider that guides applicants in completing the loan application packet
  • There are certain activities for which loan monies cannot be used
  • Note: The OHA Hua Kanu Business Loan is NOT the OHA Mālama Loan
  • 7-year loan term; interest rate is 4.00% APR
Eligibility Requirements
  • All Principals must be U.S. Citizens
  • All Principals must be Hawaii Residents
  • Principals must be Native Hawaiian: verified by current OHA Hawaiian Registry card
  • Business Plan
  • Verification of Collateral – The loan-to-value ratio must not exceed 100% [acceptable collateral includes real estate (100% assessed value), equipment (100% assessed value), receivables, inventory, purchase orders and contracts may be considered]
  • Tax Returns – 1 to 3 years of business tax returns may be required depending on the size of the loan requested
  • Financial pro forma for a period of 2 to 3 years
  • Certificate of Good Standing from DCCA
  • Verification of being an eligible applicant
  • Verification that the loan proceeds will not be used for unallowable activities
  • Other items as may be required by the bank, OHA, or the technical assistance provider
Unallowable Loan Activities
  • Investing in high-interest accounts
  • Certificates of deposit (CODs) or other investments
  • Relending of the loan amount by the borrower
  • Purchasing land or buildings
  • Constructing buildings
  • Purchasing or financing equity in private businesses

To inquire about a Hua Kanu loan, please contact us at (808) 470-0867,, or contact your OHA neighbor island office.

Mahi ‘Ai Business Loan

Learn more about the Mahi ‘Ai Business Loan on OHA's website.

Some uses of the loan:

Establish or expand your small agricultural business; working capital for produce and livestock; available for a broad spectrum of farming methods; including in-ground or above-ground farming, greenhouse, hydroponic, and more.

Loan Amounts:

$2,500 – $100,000 (Loan amounts over $50,000 require non-real estate collateral)

Rates & Terms
  • 4.00% APR
  • Up to a 7-year term
  • Up to 6 months loan deferment
Eligibility Requirements
  • U.S. Citizen
  • State of Hawai‘i Resident
  • Applicant must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Credit score 600 or higher
  • Debt-to-income ratio is no more than 45%
  • Business must be registered with DCCA and in good standing
Loan Document Checklist

ALL members of the business must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry and provide the following documents:

  • Proof of Hawaiian ancestry: verified by current OHA Hawaiian Registry card
  • Proof of Hawaii residency: driver’s license or state ID
  • 2 years most recent federal tax returns with all schedules
  • 2 years most recent W-2(s) if applicant is working as a wage earner
  • 1 month current consecutive pay stubs if applicant is working as a wage earner
  • Existing business (more than 3 years in business): current YTD profit and loss statement & balance sheet
  • Startup business (less than 3 years in business): current business plan to include 3 year profit & loss forecast statement
  • Document breaking down the use of funds for business working capital
  • If applying for more than $50,000: itemized list of assets to use as collateral (each item valued $5,000+ and can include personal items and business assets such as vehicles, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable, etc.
Unallowable Loan Activities
  • Investing in high-interest accounts
  • Certificates of deposit (CODs) or other investments
  • Relending of the loan amount by the borrower
  • Purchasing land or buildings
  • Constructing buildings
  • Purchasing or financing equity in private businesses

Personal Loans

OHA offers five types of personal loans for consumers: education, home improvement, debt consolidations, emergency funds and career advancement. Learn more about personal loans.

If you need a loan product that is not listed here, please contact us at (808) 594-1888, or email

OHA Consumer Micro Loan

In addition, OHA administers a separate Consumer Micro Loan Program that provides low-cost loans to Native Hawaiians experiencing temporary financial hardship due to unforeseen events, or who wish to enhance their careers.

Loans of up to $7,500 with a five percent interest rate can be used for unexpected home or auto repair and emergency health situations.

To learn more about the Consumer Micro Loan Program, contact Lareina Meinecke at or call (808) 594-1823.

Some uses of the loan
  • Death in the Family/Funeral Expense
  • Emergency Health Situation
  • Unexpected Home or Auto Repairs
  • CDL License
  • Apprenticeship Programs
  • Career Development Courses
Unallowable Uses
  • Debt Consolidation or Refinancing
  • Vacation
  • Investment
  • Re-Lending by Borrower
  • Home Remodeling
  • Past due utilities or rent
  • Down payment loans
  • Auto purchase

$500 to $7,500

Rates & Terms
  • Simple interest, fixed at 5%
  • Up to five years
  • Collateral not required
  • No gross annual income limit
  • Primary applicant must have sufficient income
  • Co-applicant or guarantor can strengthen the loan
Eligibility Requirements
  • Applicant must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry, at least 18 years of age and a resident of the State of Hawaii
  • Applicant should have a satisfactory credit history with a minimum credit score of 600 and the ability to repay the loan
  • Two years of employment history is preferred
  • Debt-to-income ratio of no more than 50%
  • Loan must be for applicant’s benefit
  • Loans are available to individuals only. Partnerships, corporations, sole proprietorships, etc., are excluded
Required documents:
  • Identification: Government issued ID (State drivers’ license or state identification)
  • Proof of Hawaiian ancestry: verified by current OHA Hawaiian Registry card
  • Proof of Income: All W-2 employees, one month of consecutive pay stubs. If you have not worked with the company for at least two years, include previous year W2’s. Self-employed, two years of federal tax returns, including all schedules. Social security recipients, current year’s award letter or two month’s consecutive bank statements.
  • Verification of the use of funds: Estimate or Invoice
  • Statement of request: Letter as to why you are applying for a loan (Only required if submitting a paper application)

Mālama Education Loan

Education can be expensive, and full of unexpected expenses. This Mālama Education loan can help meet school-related expenses—from preschool, through grade school, and even post-secondary education.

Some uses of the loan:
  • School tuition (e.g., preschool, trade school, K – 12, college, post graduate)
  • Campus charges, books, etc.

$2,500 – $20,000

Rates & Terms
  • 5.00% – 6.00% APR
  • Up to a 1-year term
  • U.S. Citizen
  • State of Hawai‘i Resident
  • Applicant must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Credit score 600 or higher
  • Debt-to-income ratio is no more than 45%
Required Documents
  • Proof of Hawaiian ancestry: verified by current OHA Hawaiian Registry card
  • Proof of Hawaii residency: driver’s license or state ID
  • Tuition and expenses/fees breakdown
  • Acceptance letter
  • 2 years most recent federal tax returns with all schedules
  • 2 years most recent W-2(s)
  • 1 month current consecutive pay stubs

Mālama Debt Consolidation Loan

Approved use of the Mālama Debt Consolidation Loan:
  • Consolidate existing debts (Applicants to submit creditor statements for debts being paid off)
AMOUNT: $2,500 – $20,000
  • 5.00% APR
  • Up to a 7-year term
  • U.S. Citizen
  • State of Hawai‘i Resident
  • Applicant must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Credit score 650 or higher
  • Debt-to-income ratio is no more than 45%
  • Proof of Hawaiian ancestry: verified by current OHA Hawaiian Registry card
  • Proof of Hawaii residency: driver’s license or state ID
  • 2 years most recent federal tax returns with all schedules
  • 2 years most recent W-2(s)
  • 1 month current consecutive pay stubs
  • Most recent statements for your credit cards and loans

*Please be aware that if your loan is approved, revolving accounts may be required to be closed.

Mālama Home Improvement Loan

  • Renovate existing home: home repairs, extend home, retaining wall,  drive-way, fencing, sidewalk, new appliances

$2,500 – $100,000 (Loan amounts over $50,000 require non-real estate collateral)

  • 5.00% – 6.00% APR
  • Up to a 7-year term
  • U.S. Citizen
  • State of Hawai‘i Resident
  • Applicant must be of Native Hawaiian Ancestry
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Credit score 600 or higher
  • Debt-to-income ratio is no more than 45%
  • Proof of Hawaiian ancestry: verified by current OHA Hawaiian Registry card
  • Proof of Hawaii residency: driver’s license or state ID
  • Contractor’s estimate or breakdown of supplies from home improvement store
  • 2 years most recent federal tax returns with all schedules
  • 2 years most recent W-2(s)
  • 1 month current consecutive pay stubs
  • If applying for more than $50,000: itemized list of assets to use as collateral (each item valued $5,000+ and can include personal items and business assets such as vehicles, equipment, inventory)

Apply Now

Applying for a loan is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Create a secure user account
  2. Gather your documents
  3. Complete the online application

The process typically takes 20-25 minutes. Once you complete the application, a lending associate will contact you within two business days. Once an application has been approved, documents can be signed and funds disbursed usually within five to eight business days.

The Loan Portal is compatible with most computers and laptops.  You may experience technical issues when applying with a cell phone or tablet device.  For more information or if you require trouble shooting assistance, please contact us at (808) 594-1835,, or contact your OHA neighbor island office.


To ensure your loan application is processed in a timely manner, we highly recommend submitting your loan application once you have prepared all required documents and are ready to upload the documents to the online loan application. If you submit a completed application (all required documents provided) your loan processing wait time will be significantly shorter.  MAHALO

Apply Now

Success Stories

Success Stories

OHA is proud to support the success of our Native Hawaiian Entrepreneurs. Here are some of our Hua Kanu and Mālama Loan clients in the news. Read our success stories.

For loan and grant Q&A's visit OHA's FAQ page here.

Who is eligible for a loan from OHA?
What documents do I need to apply for a loan?
How do I apply for a loan?
How DO I make loan payments?

Office Locations

Office hours across the state are 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The OHA offices are closed on State holidays.

An appointment is suggested for locations marked with an asterisk *.

East Hawai‘i (Hilo)
484 Kalanikoa St.
Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 295-0236
Fax: (808) 933-3110

West Hawai‘i (Kona)*
75-1000 Henry St., Suite 205
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Phone: (808) 327-9525
Fax: (808) 327-9528

737 Lower Main St., Suite B2.,
Wailuku, HI 96793
Phone: (808) 873-3364
Fax: (808) 873-3361

Moloka’i & Lāna’i*
P.O. Box 1717
Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Phone: (808) 560-3611
Fax: (808) 560-3968

560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: (808) 594-1835
Fax: (808) 594-1865

Kaua’i & Ni’ihau*
4405 Kukui Grove St. Suite 103
Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 241-3390
Fax: (808) 241-3508

* – Appointments suggested for these locations

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