
Request transportation assistance from Hawaii Tours


In the face of adversity, the resilience and unity of the Maui community have never been more crucial. We believe in the power of coming together – both in offering assistance and seeking it. If you’re in need of transportation support or other immediate services, or if you’re searching for avenues to contribute and help our Maui ohana, this section provides essential information. Our combined efforts and shared aloha spirit will be the driving force that helps Maui rebound from these challenging times. Let’s stand united, ensuring that every individual finds the support they need and every helper finds a meaningful way to contribute.

Request Transportation Assistance:

If you have supplies, evacuees, or volunteers you need to be transported, please fill in the "Transportation Request" form on this page here.

Hawaii Tours Maui Relief Coordinator

You can reach our on-island relief coordinator – Chris Ishizaka at:

  • Email:
  • Text: (808) 500-2018
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