Enhance and improve current facilities for storage and distribution of R-1 water to support an enhanced sustainable water system, healthier ecosystems, diversified economy into the future
Enhance and improve current facilities for storage and distribution of R-1 water
Initial phases in this multi-year, multi-phase project to be requested in a more than $62 million ($15.6 million federal, $46.8 million County) construction and design grant by the County of Maui Department of Environmental Management to the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), WaterSMART: Title XVI Congressionally Authorized Water Reclamation and Reuse Projects:
These phases are being included at this time as they fit into the project feasibility study enabled by a more than $1 million grant provided by the DOI BOR
Ongoing support for additional phases of the project, including:
Existing recycled water demand for the project area (see below) is 1.44 million gallons per day (mgd), expected to increase 1.91 mgd after the first three phases of the project are constructed; a result of the distribution expansion phases will result in 2.62 mgd.
Policy 2.3.14 - Reuse of treated effluent and the reduction of sedimentation of near shore waters shall be pursued to protect and enhance the region's land, water, and marine environments.
Action 1.33 - Identify and encourage potential new users of recycled water, including parks, golf courses, and agriculture, and expand recycled water storage and conveyance systems in West Maui to increase the reuse of recycled water.
Policy 1.34 - Study and implement disposal methods and strive to eliminate the use of underground injection control wells, to transition to environmentally sound methods of wastewater disposal and promote beneficial use of wastewater effluent.
Cost Estimate:
Potential Funding Sources:
Existing funding sources:
Project Lead
Project Partners
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