
Get ADA, para-transit, and public transportation services from Maui Economic Opportunity


ADA Paratransit: The Maui Bus Americans With Disability Act service, which operates origins and destinations within corridors whose boundaries extend three-fourths of a mile on each side of a Maui Bus fixed route.  Users must be a qualified and registered rider of the program.  Buses run every day, including holidays, from 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., depending on the location. The curb-to-curb service is by reservation only for next day travel.

Human Services: The county-funded system provides more specialized transportation with rides for low-income and rural residents, kupuna, youth and persons with disabilities on Maui, Moloka`i and Lana`i without charge to doctor’s appointments, dialysis, youth centers after school, employment and other destinations. Human Services buses run 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday depending on destination and type of service.  Like paratransit, services are by reservation-only with assistance for persons with disabilities.

MEO has been providing transportation services throughout Maui County since 1969. MEO operates MEO Human Services and Maui Bus Paratransit Services. MEO Human Services provides specialized service throughout Maui County, including door-through-door service to the most vulnerable clients living outside the paratransit service area. The Paratransit Service is operated complementary to Maui Bus fixed routes on Maui island, providing curb-to-curb service for persons with disabilities living within three-quarters of a mile of the fixed route.

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