
Sign up for kūpuna assistance services with Our Kūpuna


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Request Assistance or call:  808-215-0073.

Are you 60+ and unable to get your groceries for yourself?

If you live in Hawaiʻi but can’t leave your home and have no help getting your essentials, call us to learn more about our programs.

We will need a referral letter from a professional, then we can collect your information.

If approved, we will match you with a volunteer who will shop for you every 2 weeks.

Click the link below or call 808-215-0073 to see if you meet our eligibility requirements.

Request Assistance

Are you in need of assistance when it comes to vaccination?

Aloha United Way has set up a Kupuna Call Center with the St. Francis Healthcare system.

Those 65 and older can dial 211 or call (808) 536-1951 to speak with a trained specialist who can assist with scheduling a vaccine appointment.

If you need help in other ways, talk to your care provider or contact Aloha United Way.

Kūpuna Eligibility Requirements

If you think you meet all of these requirements, a professional referral letter is required to receive service. Have your Social Worker / Case Manager / Doctor come to this webpage to provide your referral letter and sign you up for our service.

Before sending a referral, please have the client apply for grocery and home services through their insurance.

With many of our volunteers returning to the office, kūpuna requesting help must meet the following eligibility requirements. Kūpuna will need:

  • Is age 60 or older
  • Lives alone; no family/friends/community members who are able to offer to help. (Volunteers are not provided on “just in case” basis)
  • Receives no duplicate agency support (does not receive grocery/supply delivery services from elsewhere)
  • Inability to order/pay for delivery services
  • Homebound; Needs to avoid exposure to public areas or has mobility issues
  • Not bed-bound (as volunteers are unable to enter kupuna’s homes, the volunteer will deliver the supplies to the door, and kupuna will need to be able to bring delivered items into their home)
  • Can communicate reliably with their assigned volunteer and the Our Kūpuna organization (answers phone calls and/or text messages, will call back if voice message is left, remembers who their volunteer is and what they are there for)
  • Is willing to abide by Our Kūpuna policies and procedures (volunteers are for shopping only, not housecleaning, cooking, picking up mail, etc. Volunteers are to shop no more than every other week, for necessary household supplies only – groceries, medication, essential household items. Kūpuna are to reimburse volunteers for groceries purchased)
  • Is of sound mind (volunteers are volunteers, not trained mental health professionals)

Information for Referring Agent - Signing up your client

If your client meets the requirements above, follow one of these steps:

  1. For new kūpuna requesting our services, complete the Kupuna Assistance Request Form (the form includes instructions for uploading the referral letter using our template).
  2. For clients who are already receiving our services, use this template. The letter can be submitted to us using your preferred method:
  • Fax it to 1-808-818-8183
  • Email it to

Our Kūpuna is an official 501(c)3 nonprofit organization under Hawaii VA Foundation.

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